Middle of the Night Middle of the Night
『Middle of the Night』は、白夜の薄明かりの中、アラスカの氷河にLEDライトを照射して撮影したシリーズです。極寒の中、一人でカヌーを漕ぎ、雄大な「自然」の風景を「人工」のライトで浮かび上がらせ、大型の8×10フィルムカメラで撮影しています。このシリーズに加え、「実在」の流氷を合成加工し、巨大な「架空」の流氷に仕立てた4メートルのパノラマ作品も同時に展示致します。
これまでに発表してきたシリーズのひとつである『PIPELINE ALASKA』では、アラスカの観光地やツンドラと針葉樹林の広がる「大自然」と、1200km以上にわたり設置された無機質なパイプラインという「人工物」を追うように撮影しました。また『N/P』では、逆に自宅から一歩も出ることなく、同じ構図で撮影した静物の“ネガ”と“ポジ”をずらしてプリントし、異なる事象の共在、写真史へのオマージュを想起させます。
会期中は、石塚の原点ともいえる、アフリカとアジアを縦断した旅の軌跡をまとめた初期作品集『WorldWideWonderful』(2002年 自費出版)を会場とオンラインショップ限定で販売致します。
Shot in the dim light of the White night in Alaska, “Middle of the Night” is a series of photographs of glaciers illuminated by LED light. Ishizuka paddled his canoe through the extreme cold of the vast natural landscapes, the features of which he outlined using artificial light and a large-format 8×10 film camera. Also on display in addition to this series is a 4-meter panorama photograph of a giant “fictional” mountain of drift ice, synthetically created by processing “real” drift ice.
Gentaro Ishizuka began to travel around the world and photograph landscapes when he was in his teens. Since learning about the etymology of the word “photography,” according to which it combines the natural element of “photo” (sun, light) and the artificial operation of “graphy” (depiction), Ishizuka has been creating his works based on the concept and method of such “coexistence of contradicting aspects.”
“PIPELINE ALASKA,” one of his previously published series, traces the inorganic “artifact” of a pipeline that runs over 1,200 kilometers through the Alaskan Tundra, tourist spots, and the vast natural landscapes of coniferous forests. Reversely, for “N/P” Ishizuka didn’t even leave his home, but shot identically composed still lives, and eventually printed the results while moving the negatives and positives around. The coexistence of different phenomena visualized this way seems to be paying homage to the history of photography itself.
While following this general direction of Ishizuka’s work, this exhibition was put together with the desire to project the deep breath and sublation of the “coexistence of contradicting aspects” in the depicted landscapes as well as in the methods by which they have been captured.
We invite you to come and enjoy a display of “photography” as pursued and expressed through the unique work of Gentaro Ishizuka.
During the exhibition period, “WorldWideWonderful” (2002), an early self-published photo book documenting Ishizuka’s travels across Africa and Asia, and thus illustrating the origins of his creative work, is on sale at the exhibition venue and online shop only.